Use it or lose it

Newsflash: Your dental benefits may expire at the end of the year. Here’s what you need to do, to ensure you make the most of your health insurance.  

Allowing things to expire is always disappointing. That milk in the fridge for example, that’s just made you a sour cup of tea. The discount voucher you’d been saving from your favourite store, that’s now as worthless as the paper it’s printed on. And if it’s something that could actually benefit your health and wellbeing – your smile, even – there’s no way you should let it go to waste.

What are we on about?
Most major health funds within Australia have a benefit year commencing on the 1st of January through until the 31st December. What does this mean for you? Well, if you haven’t used all of your dental benefits before the end of the year, they may expire. Elapse. Run out. Become invalid. And you and your teeth will be left without the care that (let’s face it) you pay for through your health insurance.

Take action now!
There are a few simple things you can do to ensure your dental benefits are working as hard as they ought to for your precious pearly whites.

  1. Check in with your health insurance provider. Find out if your benefits for this year have an expiry date, and what you’re entitled to. Generally, health funds may cover all or part of your regular dental check-ups for the year, as well as part of your general or major dentistry. If your dentist has recommended a treatment plan, it’s the perfect time to use up your benefits before they run out.
  2. Get in touch with Pacific Smiles as soon as possible to make your appointment, so you don’t miss out. As you can imagine, November and December are busy months for teeth that want to look their best for the holiday season (and remain sparkling white as the New Year’s Resolutions kick in).

For more information about your private health insurance and dental benefits, call your provider directly to get a full view of what you’re eligible for and what you can claim for before it runs out. 

To book an appointment with one of our dentists, click here to find your nearest centre. With numerous locations offering a comprehensive range of services, you’ll find the exceptional care and expertise you deserve. 

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